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NPLinker allows you to run in two modes:

The local mode assumes that the data required by NPLinker is available on your local machine.

The required input data includes:

  • GNPS molecular networking data from one of the following GNPS workflows
  • AntiSMASH BGC data
  • BigScape data (optional)

The podp mode assumes that you use an identifier of Paired Omics Data Platform (PODP) as the input for NPLinker. Then NPLinker will download and prepare all data necessary based on the PODP id which refers to the metadata of the dataset.

So, which mode will you use? The answer is important for the next steps.

1. Create a working directory

The working directory is used to store all input and output data for NPLinker. You can name this directory as you like, for example nplinker_quickstart:

Create a working directory
mkdir nplinker_quickstart


Before going to the next step, make sure you get familiar with how NPLinker organizes data in the working directory, see Working Directory Structure page.

2. Prepare input data (local mode only)


Skip this step if you choose to use the podp mode.

If you choose to use the local mode, meaning you have input data of NPLinker stored on your local machine, you need to move the input data to the working directory created in the previous step.

GNPS data

NPLinker accepts data from the output of the following GNPS workflows:


NPLinker provides the tools GNPSDownloader and GNPSExtractor to download and extract the GNPS data with ease. What you need to give is a valid GNPS task ID, referring to a task of the GNPS workflows supported by NPLinker.

GNPS task id and workflow

Given an example of GNPS task at, the task id is the last part of this url, i.e. c22f44b14a3d450eb836d607cb9521bb. Open this link, you can find the worklow info at the row "Workflow" of the table "Job Status", for this case, it is METABOLOMICS-SNETS.

Download & Extract GNPS data
from nplinker.metabolomics.gnps import GNPSDownloader, GNPSExtractor

# Go to the working directory
cd nplinker_quickstart

# Download GNPS data & get the path to the downloaded archive
downloader = GNPSDownloader("gnps_task_id", "downloads") # (1)!
downloaded_archive =

# Extract GNPS data to `gnps` directory
extractor = GNPSExtractor(downloaded_archive, "gnps") # (2)!
  1. If you already have the downloaded archive of GNPS data, you can skip the download steps.
  2. Replace downloaded_archive with the actuall path to your GNPS data archive if you skipped the download steps.

The required data for NPLinker will be extracted to the gnps subdirectory of the working directory.


Not all GNPS data are required by NPLinker, and only the necessary data will be extracted. During the extraction, these data will be renamed to the standard names used by NPLinker. See the page GNPS Data for more information.

Prepare GNPS data manually

If you have GNPS data but it is not the archive format as downloaded from GNPS, it's recommended to re-download the data from GNPS.

If (re-)downloading is not possible, you could manually prepare data for the gnps directory. In this case, you must make sure that the data is organized as expected by NPLinker. See the page GNPS Data for examples of how to prepare the data.

AntiSMASH data

NPLinker requires AntiSMASH BGC data as input, which are organized in the antismash subdirectory of the working directory.

For each output of AntiSMASH run, the BGC data must be stored in a subdirectory named after the NCBI accession number (e.g. GCF_000514975.1). And only the *.region*.gbk files are required by NPLinker.

When manually preparing AntiSMASH data for NPLinker, you must make sure that the data is organized as expected by NPLinker. See the page Working Directory Structure for more information.

BigScape data (optional)

It is optional to provide the output of BigScape to NPLinker. If the output of BigScape is not provided, NPLinker will run BigScape automatically to generate the data using the AntiSMASH BGC data.

If you have the output of BigScape, you can put its mix_clustering_c{cutoff}.tsv file in the bigscape subdirectory of the NPLinker working directory, where {cutoff} is the cutoff value used in the BigScape run.

Strain mappings file

The strain mappings file strain_mapping.json is required by NPLinker to map the strain to genomics and metabolomics data.

`strain_mappings.json` example
    "strain_mappings": [
            "strain_id": "strain_id_1", # (1)!
            "strain_alias": ["bgc_id_1", "spectrum_id_1", ...] # (2)!
            "strain_id": "strain_id_2",
            "strain_alias": ["bgc_id_2", "spectrum_id_2", ...]
    "version": "1.0" # (3)!
  1. strain_id is the unique identifier of the strain.
  2. strain_alias is a list of aliases of the strain, which are the identifiers of the BGCs and spectra of the strain.
  3. version is the schema version of this file. It is recommended to use the latest version of the schema. The current latest version is 1.0.

The BGC id is same as the name of the BGC file in the antismash directory, for example, given a BGC file xxxx.region001.gbk, the BGC id is xxxx.region001.

The spectrum id is same as the scan number in the spectra.mgf file in the gnps directory, for example, given a spectrum in the mgf file with a scan SCANS=1, the spectrum id is 1.

If you labelled the mzXML files (input for GNPS) with the strain id, you may need the function extract_mappings_ms_filename_spectrum_id to extract the mappings from mzXML files to the spectrum ids.

For the local mode, you need to create this file manually and put it in the working directory. It takes some effort to prepare this file manually, especially when you have a large number of strains.

3. Prepare config file

The configuration file nplinker.toml is required by NPLinker to specify the working directory, mode, and other settings for the run of NPLinker. You can put the nplinker.toml file in any place, but it is recommended to put it in the working directory created in step 2.

The details of all settings can be found at this page Config File.

Here are some example values for the nplinker.toml file:

root_dir = "absolute/path/to/working/directory" # (1)!
mode = "local"

level = "DEBUG"
use_console = true

to_use = true
version = "3.1"

version = "1"
cutoff = "0.30"

version = "1"

methods = ["metcalf"]
  1. Replace absolute/path/to/working/directory with the absolute path to the working directory created in step 2.
root_dir = "absolute/path/to/working/directory" # (1)!
mode = "podp"
podp_id = "podp_id" # (2)!

level = "DEBUG"
use_console = true

to_use = true
version = "3.1"

version = "2"
cutoff = "0.30"
parameters = "--mibig_version 3.1 --include_singletons --gcf_cutoffs 0.30"

version = "1"

methods = ["metcalf"]
  1. Replace absolute/path/to/working/directory with the absolute path to the working directory created in step 2.
  2. Replace podp_id with the identifier of the dataset in the Paired Omics Data Platform (PODP).

4. Run NPLinker

Before running NPLinker, make sure your working directory has the correct directory structure and names as described in the Working Directory Structure page.

Run NPLinker in your working directory
from nplinker import NPLinker

# create an instance of NPLinker
npl = NPLinker("nplinker.toml") # (1)!

# load data

# check loaded data

# compute the links for the first 3 GCFs using metcalf scoring method
link_graph = npl.get_links(npl.gcfs[:3], "metcalf")  # (2)!

# get links as a list of tuples

# get the link data between two objects or entities
link_graph.get_link_data(npl.gcfs[0], npl.spectra[0]) 

# Save data to a pickle file
npl.save_data("npl.pkl", link_graph)
  1. Replace nplinker.toml with the actual path to your configuration file.
  2. The get_links returns a LinkGraph object that represents the calculated links between the GCFs and other entities as a graph.

For more info about the classes and methods, see the API Documentation.